Leaving The Temporary World While Performing the Hajj, A Divine Blessing

 Who doesn’t love obtaining the opportunity of performing the Hajj? Without any question, it’s a practice that each and every individual wants to conduct once in their lifetime. But what if someone dies without completing this obligation or what if someone has planned but is unable to do so? In short what if a person dies? Undertaking the Hajj is akin to rebirth for Muslims. It is an honor to die during the Hajj. You are considered a martyr and have also been purged of sins. Like in Hajj, throngs of Muslims travel along designated paths, executing the very same ceremonies in almost a week within identical time constraints. Hajj rites are typically deemed necessary in Islam once throughout a lifetime, particularly if you are physically and financially competent. There is a reason why the Hajj is tough. A Muslim goes through an incredible feeling. Since you walk for miles with Muslims of each and every racial background, the tangible part of the Hajj is meant to teach you to admire and cherish others.

What happens if you die while performing Hajj? Death, as per Islam, symbolizes the end of worldly existence and the beginning of the sphere of the afterlife. To put it another way, it is the continuance of life in another form. None of us can prevent death, which can occur on any day, at any instant, and affects every person. Every person's death choice has already been decided, and no one can intervene but Allah (SWT). When a Muslim develops the Niyah, or intention, to perform the Hajj pilgrimage, he or she enters the condition of Ihram. But what if somebody dies while performing Hajj? Let us now consider the benefits of dying during the Hajj.

Death Before Entering Ihram Phase

According to Islamic law, if a Muslim adherent intends to perform Hajj and afterward dies, he may have died before or after achieving the condition of Ihram. When a Muslim dies before reaching Ihram, Allah Almighty will reward him for what he intended. The obligatory Hajj pilgrimage, on either side, will be performed on his behalf.

Death After Ihram Phase

As per Islamic doctrine, if an individual dies after attaining the condition of Ihram, he will receive the Hajj reward. On the Day of Judgment, he will undoubtedly be resurrected, saying the Talbiyah. As a result, Hajj cannot be performed on his account.

People Who Saved Money but Died Before Executing Hajj

If a Muslim aspires to complete Hajj by foregoing all economic gains but dies before accomplishing Hajj. Then Allah Almighty would designate the pilgrims' bounties for him because he intended to achieve the deed and did all he could to prepare for Hajj. In Islam, it is believed that whoever decides to execute a noble deed and begins to prepare for it will have it recorded as if he completed it. One of the person's heirs must do Hajj as his replacement using the income from the selling of his valuables.

Death During the Hajj Is Viewed as a Gift

It is regarded as a wonderful gift for a Muslim adherent to die while performing Hajj. You will be deemed to have been martyred and cleansed of wickedness. There are a lot of Hadith that outline what occurs if a person dies while undertaking Hajj.

Summing Up

Leaving this world is not an as easy thing but there is no certainty of coming back if you undertake Hajj. It is totally in the hands of Allah Almighty and only He knows the death time of every living person. Leaving all the things and worldly matters behind is not easy and that’s what makes this even more beautiful as well as blessed. Moreover, it is the wish of every Muslim who passes during Hajj to be buried in Makkah, the Sacred Ground. Being a Muslim, one must not be terrified of death because this world is only a preparation for the world to come. Muslims should equip themselves to perform the required journey of Hajj without fear, and they can do so by taking advantage of economy Hajj packages, which are available just once a year. Pilgrims planning to go on this pilgrimage are psychologically prepared for the possibility of not returning back. Many individuals truly wish they don't.

Furthermore, the number of Hajj fatalities has reduced over the previous years. Individuals who perish there are cremated at Jannat-ul-Mu'alla, as the Prophet's (S.A.W) family is also buried there. Muslims must complete their Hajj journey without hesitation. Many travel firms are offering excellent Shifting Hajj packages 2023 for this reason, and if you make an early reservation, you may obtain additional discounts. A lot of travel companies are offering various discounts and offers to make it easy for the low-budget ones to embark on it.


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